
SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) business owners in Indonesia are faced with various challenges and opportunities amidst the evolving global economic situation. Understanding global macroeconomic conditions and their impact on SME businesses in Indonesia, including the role of climate change and increasingly volatile commodity prices, is critical to making informed strategic decisions.

This article discusses the latest updates on global macroeconomic conditions and their impact on SME businesses in Indonesia. The article will also provide some tips and strategies to help SME business owners face challenges and capitalize on opportunities amidst the dynamic economic situation, with a focus on the role of climate and commodity prices.

Global Economic Growth

Global economic growth is expected to slow down in 2024 compared to 2023. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global economic growth of 3.6% in 2024, down from 6.1% in 2023.

This decline in global economic growth is due to several factors, including:

  • War in Ukraine: The war in Ukraine has led to disruptions in energy and food supplies, rising inflation, and global economic uncertainty.
  • Monetary policy tightening: Central banks in many countries, including the United States and Europe, are raising interest rates to combat inflation. This may slow economic growth.
  • Recession risk: There is a risk of recession in some countries, especially in developed countries. This could negatively impact global trade and investment.

Climate and Commodity Prices

Global climate change plays an important role in global macroeconomic conditions. Natural phenomena such as droughts, floods and storms can disrupt agricultural and mining production, impacting commodity prices.

Rising energy and food commodity prices can drive inflation and slow economic growth. This can have a negative impact on SME businesses, especially those in the manufacturing and trading sectors.


Global inflation rose sharply in 2023 and is expected to remain high in 2024. The IMF forecasts global inflation of 6.8% in 2024, up from 4.7% in 2023.

This high inflation is caused by several factors, including:

  • Supply disruptions: The war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia have disrupted energy and food supplies, causing commodity prices to rise.
  • Strong demand: Strong consumer demand in some countries, especially in the United States, has boosted inflation.
  • Monetary policy: The tightening of monetary policy by central banks in some countries may boost inflation in the short term.

Interest Rate

Global interest rates are expected to continue rising in 2024. The IMF forecasts global interest rates to average 4.2% in 2024, up from 2.4% in 2023.

This rate hike aims to combat inflation. However, it may also slow economic growth and increase borrowing costs for businesses.

Impact on SME Businesses in Indonesia

Economic Growth

Slowing global economic growth may negatively impact exports and investment in Indonesia. This could slow down Indonesia's economic growth and negatively impact SME businesses.


High inflation can increase the production and operational costs of SME businesses. This can reduce the profits and profit margins of SME businesses. Inflation can also reduce consumer purchasing power, which can negatively impact SME business sales.

Commodity Prices

Rising commodity prices can have a negative impact on SME businesses engaged in the manufacturing and trading sectors. It can increase raw material costs and lower profits.

Tips and Strategies for SME Businesses

Market Diversification

SME businesses can diversify their markets by selling their products or services to other countries. This can help them to reduce dependence on the domestic market and reduce the risk of negative impacts from the global economic slowdown.

Improving Operational Efficiency

SME businesses can improve their operational efficiency by adopting new technologies and improving their business processes. This can help them to reduce production and operational costs and increase profits.

Strengthening Digital Capabilities

SME businesses can strengthen their digital capabilities by building websites and online stores.


Dynamic global macroeconomic conditions can provide both challenges and opportunities for SME businesses in Indonesia. SME business owners need to understand the global macroeconomic conditions and its impact on their business. By implementing the right strategies, SME businesses can face challenges and capitalize on opportunities amidst the dynamic economic situation. Want to discuss your business further? Feel free to contact us at TMP Consulting.


This article only provides general information and tips.